Thursday 4 June 2015

Rise in burglaries due to hot weather.

BURGLARIES are on the up as thieves target open windows in the recent balmy weather.
Police have seen a surge in thefts from homes in the Gloucester area.
They have issued top tips on keeping the home – and car – safe during the summer weather for fears that thieves could be using the hot weather to target people.
The number of burglaries so far have surged to 91, compared to just 83 for the same period last year.
Police are warning that a common trick among thieves is to ask a householder for water during hot weather to distract them for long enough so that they can enter the home.
Open house windows and those in cars are also another way that thieves are targeting people.
Harm reduction adviser for Gloucestershire police, said: "Many modern windows have a mechanism whereby you can lock them while they are only a few centimeters open, so please do that if you have the option and are in the house.
"If you aren't in the house then the only way to be completely safe is to close and lock your windows.
"Don't give people the opportunity. It may mean your house is warmer than you like but unfortunately it's necessary to keep it safe.
"Distraction burglars who trick people on their doorsteps also use hot weather as a way into your house.
"If someone comes to the door and asks for a glass of water for instance, simply refuse them or shut the door on them until you return. Do not let them in.".
The recent surge in burglary comes despite an overall drop in the number of burglaries across the last year.
They fell from 5,743 reports of burglary in the county in the year leading up to April 2014 to 4,732 in the past year.
That accounts for an overall fall of 17.6 per cent.
Assistant chief constable said: "We recognise that crime levels will always fluctuate and sometimes increase, but we will continue to work hard in every respect to serve the communities of Gloucestershire."

C & L Windows and Conservatories Ltd
48, Stroud Road

01452 526028

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